North Lancashire & South Cumbria Breast Screening Programme
We are part of the National Breast Screening Programme and provide by invitation, a breast screening service for women aged 50—70 on behalf of their GP. We aim to provide and promote an efficient and effective, high quality service to all eligible women, within a caring environment.
We will soon commence age extension, which means that we will begin to invite women aged 47—73. This will happen over a period of time and will mean that eventually all women will receive their first invitation before their 50th birthday.
Check out our new breast screening pages on our Trust website for more details: http://www.uhmb.nhs.uk/
(Click on any hospital site and you will see the link to Breast Screening)
Phone: 01524 583050
Fax: 01524 583588
E-mail: bsu.rli@mbht.nhs